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Prize Winner

Every year the New Zealand Poetry Society runs an international poetry competition. In 2021 I was the winner of the Open section with my piece Death Mask Daisy.

Thank you to NZPS for running this fantastic competition every year, for the generous prize, and big thanks to Lynley Edmeades for seeing something in my work. And thanks to my dearest Emer and Liz for their feedback on an early version.

Death Mask Daisy
I found two
corpses on the lawn
baby birds with fat bellies
wings with the first sign
of feathers
a daisy had glued itself to one
tiny dead face
tiny dead face
gracefully masked
I had been cutting
overgrown decorative bushes
clearing out the unwanted
living with the aid of secateurs
how’d the babies get there though?
the centre of the lawn
“dead birds” I said to no one
made that aww no sound
begloved hands placed the dead
placed the dead
together in shades of blue and white
in the twisted twigs of a compost pile
under an aging hedge
the scent of decay mingled
within the greenery
in stages of its own earthly reclamation
how’d they get there?
the babies
the babies’
tiny dead faces.

You can find this poem within the 2021 NZPS Anthology, Kissing a Ghost, available to purchase here.

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